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National Alliance Webinar: The Blueprint for Safety: Transforming the Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence Crimes

June 2020 Webinar

The Blueprint for Safety: Transforming the Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence Crimes

Since St. Paul, Minnesota launched the Blueprint for Safety in 2010, many diverse communities have taken on the Blueprint to: adopt one cohesive domestic violence policy across the criminal legal system – from 911 to Probation; improve risk assessment and inter-agency information sharing; apply a method for system practitioners and domestic violenceadvocates to work together on assessing agency responses and problem-solving, and more.

Blueprint communities accomplish these goals by executing the 5 Phases of full Blueprint adaptation, implementation and monitoring. Many other communities utilize key strategies of the Blueprint to significantly improve aspects of their CCR without undertaking the full Blueprint process. Learn how to infuse a new focus and energy into your local CCR with the Blueprint’s effective plan for stopping violence, reducing harm, and saving lives. 

Objectives: By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify what makes the Blueprint for Safety a distinct approach to transforming the CCR

  • Explore how the Blueprint is adaptable to different jurisdictions, demographics, practices, and funding sources  

  • Highlight the successes and major lessons learned from Blueprint coordinators, advocates, and practitioners 

  • Assess your community’s readiness to implement the Blueprint for Safety

Presenter: Amalfi Parker Elder, Esq., Senior Program & Training Specialist, Praxis International

Free for members / $25 for non-members


Amalfi Parker Elder joined the movement to end violence against women as a student attorney in the Domestic Violence Law Clinic at Tulane University, where she represented survivors obtaining protective orders, divorces, and child custody. This led to Amalfi opening a law practice in 2011 that primarily focused on family law and civil relief from domestic violence. In 2013, Amalfi became the Interagency Coordinator for the New Orleans Blueprint for Safety, where she facilitated the adaptation and implementation of the model Blueprint for Safety policies in seven criminal justice agencies. In this role, Amalfi prioritized addressing the disproportionately high arrest rate of Black women for domestic violence, while working with the local community to identify and implement new practices for reducing disparity and promoting equity in the criminal legal system’s response to domestic violence crimes. Based in New Orleans, Louisiana, Amalfi has worked for Praxis International since January 2016. She works with communities across the country to promote and implement the Blueprint for Safety, while also assisting with other Praxis program initiatives such as our Institutional Analysis and advocacy training.