321ACTION: Domestic Violence Awareness Month + Gun Violence

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and for JWI this means redoubling our efforts to lift up the lethal and inextricable link between gun violence and domestic violence. Abusers must be denied access to guns – the mere presence of a firearm in a home increases the likelihood of homicide by an abuser to over 500%. Participate in our social media campaign for DVAM at https://www.instagram.com/jewishwomenintl/ 

#DVAM #Don'tArmViolence

Ready to make a difference?

Here are three ways to get started:

1. Get up to speed on new Gun Violence Prevention initiatives. 

New ways to address gun violence prevention are taking place at both the federal and state levels – Read about the new White House Office on Gun Violence Prevention (JWI’s CEO Meredith Jacobs was in the Rose Garden for the announcement) and California’s new 11% excise tax on gun and ammunition sales which will be used to fund school security. California is the first state to impose this tax and we will be following the impact on sales.

2. Read about new DV legislation.

Read this resolution of the House of Representatives about the relationship between guns and intimate partner violence and share it with your congressional representatives.

3. Explore survivor safety vs. the Second Amendment

Participate in JWI’s briefing on the significance of US v Rahimi, a landmark case being heard by the US Supreme Court this fall, in which the Court will determine the constitutionality of a federal ban on gun possession by people subject to domestic violence restraining orders. JWI submitted a brief urging the Court to uphold the federal ban and will be moderating a panel of experts. 

Join JWI on October 18th to hear from lawyers and gun violence prevention experts about the significance of this case, learn about the process of the Supreme Court, JWI’s own amicus brief, and steps you can take to promote survivor safety. Register here.

+ In case you missed it...

The vast majority of Americans support restricting access to guns by abusers subject to domestic violence restraining orders. Learn more here.