321ACTION: Wear Orange on Friday for Gun Violence Awareness Day

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Join the Movement: Wear Orange on June 2 for Gun Violence Awareness Day

On January 21, 2013, a tragic incident forever changed the lives of Hadiya Pendleton's loved ones. A vibrant high school student from the south side of Chicago, Hadiya had the opportunity to march in President Obama's second inaugural parade. Just one week later, she was senselessly shot and killed on a playground. In the wake of this heartbreaking loss, Hadiya's childhood friends made a powerful decision to honor her memory by wearing orange—the color hunters wear to protect themselves and others in the woods.

The Wear Orange initiative was born on June 2, 2015, which would have been Hadiya's 18th birthday. Since then, it has become a national observance held annually on the first Friday in June, along with the subsequent weekend. In 2023, we will mark the 9th National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 2, the first Friday of the month.

As the day approaches, we invite you to join us in raising awareness and taking action against gun violence. Here are a few simple ways you can get involved:

  1. Mark your calendars: On June 2, remember to #WearOrange and stand in solidarity with millions of others who believe in the urgent need for change.

  2. Spread the word: Use your social media platforms to remind your friends, family, and followers to participate in Wear Orange Day on June 2. Together, we can amplify our message and inspire others to join the cause.

  3. Engage your local community: Reach out to your mayor or local representatives and encourage them to officially declare June 2, 2023, as Gun Violence Awareness Day in your city or town. By rallying support at the grassroots level, we can make a difference.

  4. Be creative: Determine the most impactful way to #WearOrange in your community. Attend a local event dedicated to raising awareness, display a homemade sign in your window, or engage in any other activity that communicates your stance on the crisis of gun violence. Every effort counts!

By participating in Wear Orange, we not only honor the memory of Hadiya Pendleton and countless other victims of gun violence, we also stand up for safer communities and a brighter future. Together we can foster dialogue, inspire change, and work toward a world free from the devastating effects of gun violence.