321ACTION: Fight for Reproductive Freedom

Your civic action to-do list for May 9, 2022

By now, you are aware that the Supreme Court is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade this summer as indicated in the draft opinion leaked last week (until then it is important to note that abortion is still legal in every state). 

This is devastating, but not entirely unexpected – anti-choice legislators at the state and federal levels have sought to undermine Roe since the decision in 1973. States have implemented onerous restrictions and laws making abortions inaccessible, and 26 states are poised to effectively ban abortion when Roe falls. This means that most people will have to travel hundreds of miles to one of the states where abortion is accessible.  

Lack of access to safe and legal abortion denies pregnant people bodily autonomy, economic security, and freedom from violence, particularly BIPOC, people who are low-income, LGBTQ+, and/or in abusive relationships (through reproductive coercion). 

However, the fight is not over, and there are actions that we can take to support reproductive choice.  

Protect Abortion Access Nationwide 

The Senate will vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) this Wednesday, May 11th. This bill would codify Roe into federal law - creating a statutory right for healthcare professionals to provide abortion services and for their patients to receive these services.

Demand your senators pass WHPA now! 

Rally Against Abortion Bans 

This Saturday, May 14th, join JWI, Planned Parenthood, Ultraviolet, MoveOn, and the Women’s March, in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Chicago or New York City to rally for choice. Register here

If you aren’t in one of these cities, visit bansoff.org to view the hundreds of rallies taking place nationwide and find one in your area. Print your sign here.

Vote in the Primaries

It is now more important than ever to elect pro-choice legislators who will defend abortion access at the federal and state levels. State election primaries are beginning this month; look up the primary date in your state and make sure you are registered to vote

Donate to Local Abortion Funds 

Local abortion funds provide crucial support to individuals seeking abortions by funding travel, childcare, counseling services, and other necessary assistance. Visit https://abortionfunds.org/funds/ to donate to an abortion fund in your state. 

What’s happening at JWI?

JWI Tech & Non-Profit Session

You're invited to "Tech & Non-Profits" on Tuesday, May 10th at 4pm ET - a special masterclass with award-winning writer, strategist, and author Allison Fine on the use of technology for social good. 

If you work for or volunteer with a nonprofit organization, this session is for YOU. You'll leave with many practical tips to inspire your nonprofit organization to elevate its use of technology and make a bigger impact. Register here