321ACTION: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)

Ready to make a difference? Here are three ways to get started:

1. Learn how to cultivate resilience, healing, and culture change for survivors of abuse

Jewish communities all over the world are struggling to address the long-term needs of domestic violence survivors. New programs, collaborations, and funding priorities are necessary to ensure that Jewish survivors of abuse can safely remain and thrive in their communities.

This Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) register for JWI's 5th International Conference on Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community. "Responding to the Moment: Cultivating Resilience, Healing, Innovation, and Culture Change" which will be held virtually from Oct. 24-26, 12-3pm ET each day. 

Register for JWI’s 5th International Conference on DV in the Jewish Community

2. Ensure funding for victim services

Federal funding for programs that provide emergency shelter, crisis counseling, safety planning, and assistance recovering from financial abuse is vital to respond to domestic violence, family violence, and dating violence.

In order to ensure this life-saving funding, the Senate must pass the bipartisan Family Violence Prevention & Services Act (FVPSA).

Contact your senators every Friday during October and tell them to pass FVPSA! We need urgent action. Use this #FVPSAFriday toolkit to contact your senators today.

Join us for #FVPSAFriday

3. Combat sexual assault on college campus

Thirteen percent of all college students experience rape or sexual assault while in school.

The bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA) would increase transparency and reporting for survivors of sexual violence on college campuses; as well as strengthen enforcement and survivor protections.

Tell your representative and senators to support this important bill!

Tell your elected officials to create safer college campuses

What's happening at JWI?

JCWLP Masterclass "Tapping Into Your Entrepreneurial Spirit" with InnovateHERs author Dr. Barbara Kurshan

Virtual professional development masterclass on Thursday, October 13th at 4pm ET.

Join us on Thursday, October 13th for a special masterclass led by Dr. Barbara “Bobbi” Kurshan, co-author of InnovateHERs – Why Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurial Women Rise to the Top to learn how we can leverage an entrepreneurial mindset to advance in our career, think bigger, and lead stronger.
