Tell Congress: Refugees Are Welcome Here!

This afternoon, President Trump is expect to sign an executive order barring refugees from Syria, halting the entire U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, and slashing the refugee admissions target to its lowest figure since the Refugee Act of 1980.

We, at JWI, refuse to stand silent. 

Those in favor of this ban argue that barring refugees from our shores is a matter of national security, that to share our freedom and security with these persecuted populations would put all we hold dear at risk. But we know that those seeking shelter are not perpetuating violence, but fleeing it. We stand today, the descendants of refugees. So many of our families immigrated to the United States seeking a safer present and a better future for their children.

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember those who died, those who lived, and those who sheltered the persecuted—despite great personal risk. We must not let fear prevent us from doing what is right. Despite what Nazi propaganda asserted, the Jewish people were never a threat, and neither are the refugees who seek our help today. We must serve as protector to the persecuted. It is the right choice and the only way forward for a country built on the backs of immigrants and refugees. 

Join us in calling your representatives TODAY and urging them to lend their voices to the collective cry of outrage at this callous order.

We will not be silent, and we will never forget.