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National Alliance Webinar – The Intersection of High-Tech Stalking and Domestic Violence


Webinar December 12th, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. ET / 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. PT

The Intersection of High-Tech Stalking and Domestic Violence

Free for members / $25 for non-members

Webinar details below.

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Webinar Overview

As advocates, prosecutors, law enforcement investigators and service providers, we know that batterers use whatever means available to abuse, harass, stalk, and monitor victims. Today technology has provided batterers with tools to accomplish these tasks without even having to leave their computer chairs. In this interactive workshop, Steven Bradley will explore the risks and benefits of technology for victims. Attendees will learn safety planning and evidence collection strategies for phone technology, location apps and social networking sites. Non-technical language will be used to describe the privacy levels of each area and how to safely navigate the world of technology.

Educational Objectives:

Upon the completion of the workshop, attendees will be able to

  1. List three types of technology used to monitor, harass, and abuse survivors of domestic violence,

  2. Describe evidence collection strategies for text messages and social networking posts,

  3. Identify eight strategies for safety planning around technology, and

  4. List the top three security settings for mobile devices.


With an extensive law enforcement career focusing on investigating crimes against persons, specializing in sex crimes, child abuse, domestic violence, human trafficking, and crimes against the elderly, Steven Bradley was recruited by the FBI to investigate technology and cyber related crimes. After graduating the FBI Academy with honors, he began combating many types of technology related crimes including cyberterrorism, network intrusions, cyberstalking, financial exploitation, and apprehending child predators. Later in his career, Steven began working with National and State Coalitions, as well as local domestic violence/sexual assault centers on bridging the gaps between law enforcement and community partners to better support survivors and victims.  It was there, that Steven led many group discussions and trainings on proper investigative techniques and working together for offender accountability.  Now as part of the Our Family Wizard professional team, Steven  further promotes the  empowerment and healthy communication between separated and divorced parents via technology.  Steven is internationally recognized as an expert on law enforcement’s response to intimate partner violence, technology forensics, and stalking/cyberstalking. As an International Trainer for over 25 years, Steven is known for his real world practical education and has provided training throughout the globe on many related topics. 

Questions? Contact Sierra Schnitzer.