LET'S GET TO WORK: Civic action to-do list for 6-5-17

3. Protect Birth Control Coverage

Women have the right to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. But the Trump Administration wants to roll back the Affordable Care Act’s birth control mandate, allowing employers, individuals, and insurers to deny women access to contraceptive coverage. All an employer would have to do is cite a religious or moral objection to providing this care, a critical component of women’s economic security and health. Read the leaked draft of this rule proposal, then use the National Partnership for Women & Families' Tweet tool to broadcast your message to elected officials.

2. End Gun Violence

JWI partnered with Everytown for Gun Safety last Friday for National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Thousands of people and organizations across the country turned the U.S. orange to send a message that we can end this violent epidemic. We wore orange for women, for domestic abuse survivors, and for the future. As we approach the anniversaries of the devastating attacks at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub and the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, contact your representatives and tell them to act now for safer communities. Urge Congress to vote NO on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017!

1. Don’t Shortchange Women

Why is student debt crisis a women's issue? Women hold nearly two-thirds of the outstanding student debt in the United States—more than $800 billion! Paying off these loans is essential to women’s economy security, yet Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos wants to weaken consumer protections by relying on just one student loan company. Call the Department of Education and tell DeVos not to monopolize student loans.

And for you... 

Hungry in NYC? Young Women’s Leadership Network Member Kerry Brodie just opened Emma’s Torch Classroom Café for business! Make it your new breakfast, lunch, or weekend brunch spot and support this amazing organization that teaches refugees how to rebuild their lives through careers in the culinary arts. JWI's Networks have lots of fun and informative events coming up this summer. Check out the full schedule here.